January 21, 2021   2:15pm

I. Call to Order by President


II. Roll Call 

Joshua Gallington, Teacher (2) Brandi Abernathy, Parent (1)

Kevin Rascoe, Teacher (2) - V.P. Kacie McKinney, Parent (1)

Sal Samari, Teacher (2) - President Britni Reed, Parent (1) 

Jillian Carter, Teacher (2) - Secretary Student Rep

David Juarez, Classified (2) Student Rep

Cynthia Hernandez, Classified (2) Student Rep

Susan Denton, Principal

III. Approval of last meeting minutes, December 10, 2020

Motioned: 2nd: Approved: Aye/Nay

IV. Old Business

  1. Single School Plan for Achievement (SPSA)

    1. Motion to Approve with changes: 2nd: Aye/Nay

IV. New Business - n/a

V. Principal Report - Susan Denton

  1. Yearbook photos

  2. Facilities Update

VI. Student Council Report - Student Officers

VII. Other Agenda Requests or Items for future meetings

VIII. Next Meeting Date & Time: February 17, 2021 2:45pm

X. Adjournment Motion to adjourn: Time: pm